Pony Z is very excited to have her owner back in Second Life because the other life - you know which - had taken her away for a while.
Pony was given the name Z
[2011/01/07 23:59] bahiyaa Wulluf: Z, only Z
[2011/01/08 00:00] Lise Runo: Yes, Princess
Princess choose tack from Broceliande and we also bought T&T nipple rings.
[2011/01/08 04:16] bahiyaa Wulluf: thats fine with transparent latex
[2011/01/08 04:17] bahiyaa Wulluf: but i would like you would wear the straitjacket of Brocaliande.
[2011/01/08 04:17] Lise Runo: yes !!
Pony Z, loves to be molded and shaped by her Princess.
Our rituals
[2011/01/10 05:05] bahiyaa Wulluf: little ritual when meet: You come online and i am online. Or i come online and you are online. You wait until i adress to you. I will say Z by IM and you know i see you online. If i dont react after 3 minutes you send greeings. Ok if i send IM Z sou send tp. I come too you and you kiss foot. I give you abn apple, you noozle me and i give hug.
[2011/01/10 05:09] bahiyaa Wulluf: when we log out, you tell when log out. If you have to log out fast use 4 snorts then ritual is not guilty you just leave and i know you did. Ok you log out i say ok. You make footkiss. I give apple, you noozle i give hug and you or me log out.
Pony Z is very affectionate and loves the rituals. She worships the Princess deeply.
This picture shows how Z see the world, when she can see at all.
[2011/01/10 05:14] bahiyaa Wulluf: every time you put in blog also your punish book. There you write when i say how many points, and then we will make punishment. Punishment are work to do.
[2011/01/10 05:36] bahiyaa Wulluf: its time soon to start the training
Z is restricted from IM, chat and emote, world map and so much more, and totally controlled by her Princess.
[2011/01/10 22:28] bahiyaa Wulluf: welcome pony now you are mine
[2011/01/10 22:28] Lise Runo: Yes !!!!