Saturday, December 25, 2010

Princess Bahiyaa takes ownership

This is pony Lise's first blog from her new life as the slave and pony of the Arab Princess Bahiyaa Wulluf.
We are still in the process of initiating ownership. Pony will have a new name as soon the Princess knows pony better, and pony will have restrictions as it pleases her owner. Soon the pony will be totally controlled by her owner.
Pony is very eager and exited by her new life.

Pony met the princess first time the 22. of December 2010

[2010/12/22 01:30] bahiyaa Wulluf: how about bondage and control
[2010/12/22 01:31] Lise Runo: Pony loves bondage and control, Miss
[2010/12/22 01:33] bahiyaa Wulluf: how would that be i would be your eyes?
[2010/12/22 01:35] bahiyaa Wulluf: at least blurry most of time and dark later?

This is so exciting to pony, all though it is also something pony hates for long time. As with many of the most exciting things in BDSM pony is ambigous about it. Pony really wants her owner to control her totally.
Dear Princess your pony now, in this blog, begs you to blind her just like you want and do anything to her that pleases you !!!

The next day pony asked to be trained by the princess:
[2010/12/23 01:15] Lise Runo: Pony will be happy to be trained by you, Miss Bahiyaa
[2010/12/23 01:17] bahiyaa Wulluf: but as you are my pony you will be also the slave of an arab princess
[2010/12/23 01:18] bahiyaa Wulluf: but thank you for accept
[2010/12/23 01:20] bahiyaa Wulluf: hope your food will be ok

This pony hopes she will have food and water and that she will be groomed as well.

Here is some rules and conditions from Princess Bahiyaa:

[2010/12/23 01:12] bahiyaa Wulluf: ponys dont speak, so no emotion either.

[2010/12/23 01:20] bahiyaa Wulluf: there are some informations that are different to other pony rules

[2010/12/23 01:31] bahiyaa Wulluf: ok here the system
[2010/12/23 01:32] bahiyaa Wulluf: pony doesnt stamp, ponies dont stamp in nature
[2010/12/23 01:32] bahiyaa Wulluf: pony use the sounds as you did, but i use different. Whinnies for hello and happy and all happy emotions. Sighs vor unhappy.
[2010/12/23 01:33] bahiyaa Wulluf: and snorts is
[2010/12/23 01:33] bahiyaa Wulluf: 1 yes
[2010/12/23 01:33] bahiyaa Wulluf: 2 no
[2010/12/23 01:33] bahiyaa Wulluf: 3 dont know / do not understand
[2010/12/23 01:34] bahiyaa Wulluf: 4 snorts =i have to log out[2010/12/23 01:34] bahiyaa Wulluf: use for fast log out
[2010/12/23 01:35] bahiyaa Wulluf: otherwise you greet and all
[2010/12/23 01:35] bahiyaa Wulluf: 5 snorts= you want to talk in IM with me[2010/12/23 01:35] bahiyaa Wulluf: correct
[2010/12/23 01:36] bahiyaa Wulluf: dont for get your vision will be reduced
[2010/12/23 01:36] bahiyaa Wulluf: this are commands you will get

[2010/12/26 00:22]  bahiyaa Wulluf: ok some rules as we are just speaking about. You have to try always close by me. When you blind you have to follow me as close as possible. The leash i only you to yank when you are lost or in danger. You are following me
[2010/12/26 00:29]  bahiyaa Wulluf: ok blind means follow. How can you follow me if you dont see? You can hear where i am, so for hear you use the minimap. I can close the minimap and you are earplugged, but in general you use the minimap.
[2010/12/26 00:31]  bahiyaa Wulluf: comands are
[2010/12/26 00:31]  bahiyaa Wulluf: F follow
[2010/12/26 00:31]  bahiyaa Wulluf: S stop
[2010/12/26 00:31]  bahiyaa Wulluf: W wait there you are
[2010/12/26 00:31]  bahiyaa Wulluf: C come to me
[2010/12/26 00:32]  bahiyaa Wulluf: J jump
[2010/12/26 00:32]  bahiyaa Wulluf: thats all for now

Taking ownership
This is a very important moment to this pony
[2010/12/23 15:26] bahiyaa Wulluf: first you adress me as princess
[2010/12/23 15:35] MD - Head Harness (nose) whispers: bahiyaa Wulluf is now primary owner of Lise Runo
[2010/12/23 15:35] Lise'sCollar: Added bahiyaa Wulluf to owner.
[2010/12/23 15:41] bahiyaa Wulluf: oh good with the blindfold
[2010/12/23 15:42] Lise Runo: May pony suggest that pony try her best to live as you wish her ot live, Princess?
[2010/12/23 15:42] bahiyaa Wulluf: ok you are not only my pony you will be my slave
[2010/12/23 15:42] Lise Runo: Thank you princess
[2010/12/23 15:43] bahiyaa Wulluf: you are a slave of an arab princess
[2010/12/23 15:43] Lise Runo: Yes, Princess
[2010/12/23 15:43] bahiyaa Wulluf: i dont want to have you blind all the time but always vision restricted
[2010/12/23 15:43] Lise Runo: yes, Princess
[2010/12/23 15:43] bahiyaa Wulluf: so as slave you can see blurry or so
[2010/12/23 15:43] Lise Runo: Yes, Princess